It’s that time of year again and we’re getting close – summer is almost here and we need to start thinking about our next vacation destination and days on the beach. It’s no secret that with the season change upon us, so are warm days and gorgeous tans. But it also means extreme heat and sun rays that can cause more damage than harm. On top of sun protection, to help get you ready for some summer fun, here’s our beauty tips to keep your skin fresh, and you even happier:

  1. Stay hydrated. Seems simple but water is not only good for your body providing you energy and better sleep, it’s also vital for keeping your skin nourished.

  2. Remove your makeup before bed. Sound so simple right. And yet, we still risk it. Your skin is an amazing organ, it responds quickly to a little tender loving care – If you can get in a good habit, using a cleanser to thoroughly clean your skin of makeup and impurities so your pores can breathe you will prevent breakouts. We recommend beU Manuka Cream Cleanser, use morning and night for maximum results.

  3. Use a treatment that is safe and gentle. A weekly deep cleanse can really help with clearing out pores and help exfoliate the skin. You don’t have to break the bank to get a weekly facial, an in-home mask can do the trick. We recommend our specialised beU Bee Venom Mask, a really effective treat for your skin, leave on for 20 minutes or better still leave on overnight and wipe off with a warm damp cloth.

  4. Sleep and Hydration. Drinking lots of water may not feel like it impacts your skin but it really does impact your total body and keeps the toxins out. Same goes for sleep. Although tempted to maximize the longer days, getting sufficient sleep allows your skin to rest and be rejuvenated each morning.

  5. A touch of the sun? This will dehydrate the skin, be sure to apply our magic formula of beU Jojoba Anti Aging Serum, for complete hydration and repair, two to three drops morning and night will work wonders. Allow to absorb before adding either your moisturizer or mask.

  6. Moisturize twice a day. By applying our all Natural moisturizer will not only support your skin’s hydration but will assist with aging effects too.
    We recommend beU Retinol Anti Aging Moisturizer, not only will it keep the skin hydrated but with the active ingredient Retinol – it does double duty and helps diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

So there you have it, our simple 4-step 100% natural formulas will ensure you have glowing, nourished skin all summer long #brighterthangold