We know you’ve heard -chemicals are out, natural is in. But the skincare industry has been using chemical ingredients for decades so why is it that today we’re so concerned? To be fair, there are chemicals in almost everything we touch but we often don’t realize it. From our deodorant, to sunscreen, even our foods use pesticides so we’re eating it too. But with scary illnesses on the rise and more and more younger people being diagnosed with terminal illnesses, it’s hard to ignore. Consumers want transparency, they want to know what they are eating so it only makes sense that if we’re focusing on eating natural and good-for-you ingredients, that we want the same for our skin too.

With abundant access to natural ingredients that give you the same anti-aging, wrinkle reduction and glowing skin that chemicals do, it’s not so hard to decide which direction to go. The biggest challenge is drugstore brands often are able to use cheap synthetics to combat the costs of natural ingredients which unfortunately lure many consumers in their favor; but with more and more education coming to the forefront, we realize the true effects of chemical use and the impact it has on our body, inside and out.

So why beU skincare? For starters, chemicals aren’t even on the table. The only ingredients we include are those that are not only good for you, but also serve a purpose. From Manuka Honey, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin A (Retinol) and Bee Venom, we seek out premium ingredients and combine with additional natural ingredients through expertly curated formulas to provide you the best of the best.

So when you’re looking to replenish your existing skincare products, be sure to ask yourself “Do I know what’s in here and what it’s actually doing to my skin?”. You’re worth the assessment and re-evaluation. beU skincare was created so you don’t have to think twice about what you’re putting on your skin today, tomorrow and for years to come. Learn more at beu.organogold.com.